Squirmin' Vermin (Game Project 07 at TGA)
Splash Art

Splash Art

Splash Art 360


The Exterminator - The main character.

By Anton Berngarn-Wallerstedt

The Slime - Tiny, Suicidal, Swarm Enemy

By Eric Quinn

The Spitter - Medium sized, ranged, leaping enemy.

This Character was a collaboration. Se details below.

The Clencher - Large, tough, charging enemy.

This Character was a collaboration. Se details below.

Screenshot 01

Screenshot 01

Screenshot 02

Screenshot 02

Screenshot 03

Screenshot 03

Screenshot 04

Screenshot 04



In the 7th game project at The Game Assembly we were to create a Third Person Game in 3D. My group quickly agreed upon making a fairly straight forward third person shooter with focus on making it feel polished and fun.

For the art and overall theme we took a lot of inspiration from the Ratchet and Clank games and the concepts and illustrations of Creature Box, whom I've been a huge fan of for a long time.

My main focus on this project was Character and creature creation along with some weapons and props.
I really enjoyed working on the characters for this game. We had a lot of fun with the design and I think we managed to get a coherent style on all the characters while still keeping the characters varied and unique.
Below follows a more detailed desctiption on who did what on the characters.

The Exterminator: I created the entire Main Character all the way through concept, blockout, high poly, low poly, UV-mapping, texture baking and texturing.
I also made the shotgun for the main character.
Rigging, motion capture and animation By Edgars Kaulins

The Clencher (Big Enemy): Using the Concept art by Tim Persson I created the blockout, high poly, low poly, UV-mapping and texture baking, before handing it back to Tim for texturing.
Rigging by Lovisa Ekelöw and animation by Edgars Kaulins

The Spitter (Medium Enemy): Using the concept art and blockout by Johan Jergner Ekervik I created the high poly, low poly, UV-mapping and texture baking for the Spitter. It has then textured by Tim Persson
Rigging and animation by Lovisa Ekelöw

Slime Blob (Small Enemy): Was made entirely by Erik Quinn.
Rigging and animation by Lovisa Ekwlöw

Color Guide and logo design by Tim Persson


Anton Johansson (https://www.antonemjohansson.com/)
Jonathan Michaeli (https://www.jonathanmichaeli.com/)
Tobias Nilsson (https://www.tobiasnilsson.se/)
Erik Nossborn (https://erik.nossborn.se/)

Level Designers
Hugo Borg (https://www.hugoborgdesign.com/)
Niklas Olsson (https://www.niklasfolsson.com/)
Marcus Tegerhult (https://www.marcus-tegerhult.com/)

Anton Berngarn-Wallerstedt (https://anton_berngarn-wallerstedt.artstation.com/)
Johan Jergner-Ekervik (https://johanjergner.artstation.com/)
Tim Persson (https://timpersson.artstation.com/)
Erik Quinn (https://erikquinn.artstation.com/)

Lovisa Ekelöw (https://lovisaekelow.portfoliobox.net/)
Edgars Kaulins (https://edgarskaulins.portfoliobox.net/)

Technical Artists
Gustav Johansson (https://gustavjohansson.portfoliobox.net/)
Giedre Jursenaite (https://giedrejursenaite.portfoliobox.net/)